While these are still GCWCC’s primary responsibilities, our mandate has broadened to encompass leadership in the areas of governance, capital investments, operations and programming. To support Community Centre volunteers and promote sound practices, GCWCC has developed programs and services that provide leadership development, financial accountability and training, governance support with standard constitutions, board orientation and training, workplace health and safety, as well as support with administrative matters (job descriptions, labour relations, etc.).
Winnipeg is renowned for its volunteers, who have been the backbone of the Community Centre movement since the Post War Era. Winnipeg is home to 63 Community Centres, all as diverse as the neighbourhoods they are in. More than 17,000 people volunteer at Community Centres, which represents over one million volunteer hours.
The community centre model in Winnipeg is unique from other Canadian cities. While they are owned by the City, they are not run or staffed by the City. Instead, each is governed and operated by a group of volunteers with a community-elected Board of Directors. The City provides an annual operating grant to cover basic maintenance and utilities expenses, while the Community Centres are responsible for covering all other costs including staffing, programming, capital improvements and equipment.
Winnipeg is home to 63 Community Centres, all as diverse as the neighbourhoods they are in.
Like the Community Centres themselves, GCWCC is run by a volunteer board that is supported by four staff. GCWCC’s Executive Director and a City of Winnipeg Community Services representative are ex-officio members.
GCWCC provides leadership and guidance to volunteers to develop and sustain Community Centres for the citizens of Winnipeg.
To lead and guide Winnipeg's unique volunteer-based Community Centre model into a strong and vibrant future.
Mike Purdy | President |
Bill Jost | 1st Vice President |
Nathan Wild | 2nd Vice President |
Tim Killeen | Past President |
Lora Meseman | Executive Director |
Christa Boulton | District #1 |
Murray Cunningham | District #2 |
Tracy Ball | District #3 |
Nancy Khran | District #4 |
Paul Pelletier | District #5 |
Mike Stuart | Hockey Winnipeg Representative |
Jenna Bartz | City Appointee |
Tom Ethans | City Appointee |
Janice Edwards | City Appointee |
Hector Argueta |
Community Services |
Bruce Kazun | Member at Large |
Larry Gledhill | Member at Large |
Lora Meseman |
Executive Director |
Arthur Pearson | Community Centre Facility and Program Coordinator |
Elesio Lasuba |
Financial Officer |
Vacant |
Administrative Assistant |